Consolidated Overview of LDS Church History Issues:

The CES Letter (the most famous compilation, by Jeremy Runnells). There are multiple responses by FAIRlatterdaysaints, as well as rebuttals by Jeremy Runnells).

Letter For My Wife (almost all LDS approved sources) (Fairmormon response)

MormonThink (well sourced overview of LDS truth claims)

LDS Discussions (in-depth discussion of the gospel topics essays, “Saints: The Standard of Truth”, and many key truth-claims)

Youtube video: Brother Jake Videos (light-hearted but accurate summaries)

Youtube video: 50 Problems with the Mormon Church (10 minutes)

Youtube video: 50 more problems (37 minutes)

Lindsey Hansen Park's Year of Polygamy podcast 


Recommended LDS Church History Books:

In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, by Todd Compton

Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, by Richard Lyman Bushman

Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, by Dr. Michael Quinn

The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, by Dr. Michael Quinn

The Mormon Hierarchy: Extension of Power, by Dr. Michael Quinn

Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet, by Dan Vogel

No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, by Fawn Brodie


You are Not Alone:

Mormon Stories Podcast

My Top 5 Favorite Mormon Stories Interviews:  535-539 - Tom Phillips, 430-434 - Hans Mattsson, 983 - Swedish Rescue Audio, 480-482: Jeremy Runnells, 268-270 - Dr. Michael Coe

Mormon Spectrum - Find local groups and meetups for nuanced and exMormons.

ExMormon Reddit 

Mormon Reddit


Critical Thinking:

Street Epistemology - See Youtube examples such as Anthony Magnabosco (Jenny and Anthony, LDS Missionaries Meet Atheist (Book of Mormon)), See also book: How to Have Impossible Conversations, by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan

The Science of Everyday Thinking - Free online university course at


Recovery Resources:

Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question, by David Ostler - Great book for how to have conversations with those who question their LDS faith.

How to Leave the Mormon Church by Alyssa Grenfell

Recovering from Religion

Secular Therapy Project 

Protect Every Child: Initiative started by Sam Young with the goal to stop church leaders asking inappropriate probing and sexually explicit questions to children.


A list of other Resource Pages:

A Careful Examination website: Truth-claim summaries and apologetics

Mormon Stories Website:

CES Letter Website: