5. Angel with Drawn Sword
September 29, 20242. Polygamy was Illegal
October 1, 2024While practicing polygamy, Joseph published a revelation declaring that “One man should have one wife.” This revelation remained part of the Doctrine & Covenants until 1876 (many years after polygamy was publicly acknowledged).
Table of contents
- While practicing polygamy, Joseph published a revelation declaring that “One man should have one wife.” This revelation remained part of the Doctrine & Covenants until 1876 (many years after polygamy was publicly acknowledged).
- A1) While practicing polygamy a section of the Doctrine & Covenants was recorded that stated the official position of the church was monogamy.
- A2) While practicing polygamy, Joseph again reiterated that the official position of God was monogamy.
- Issues these Facts Raise
- Questions these Facts Raise
A1) While practicing polygamy a section of the Doctrine & Covenants was recorded that stated the official position of the church was monogamy.
Supporting Sources and Quotes
As rumors of Fanny Alger spread, Joseph Smith adds D&C Section 101. This remained in the D&C until 1876 (many years after polygamy was publicly acknowledged).
“According to the custom of all civilized nations, marriage is regulated by laws and ceremonies; therefore we believe that all marriages in this Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints should be solemnized in a public meeting or feast prepared for that purpose…We believe that it is not right to prohibit members of this Church from marrying out of the Church…Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again.” - - -(History of the Church, Vol.2, Ch.18, p.247)
A2) While practicing polygamy, Joseph again reiterated that the official position of God was monogamy.
Supporting Sources and Quotes
Joseph followed this up in the Times and Season, stating the same thing:
The saints of the last days have witnessed the outgoings and incomings of so many apostates that nothing but truth has any effect upon them. In the present instance, after the sham quotations of Sidney and his clique, from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants, to skulk off, under the "dreadful splendor" of "spiritual wifery," which is brought into the account as graciously as if the law of the land allowed a man a plurality of wives, is fiendish, and like the rest of Sidney's revelation, just because he wanted "to go to Pittsburg and live." Wo to the man or men who will thus wilfully lie to injure an innocent people! The law of the land and the rules of the church do not allow one man to have more than one wife alive at once, but if any man's wife die, he has a right to marry another, and to be sealed to both for eternity; to the living and the dead! there is no law of God or man against it! This is all the spiritual wife system that was ever tolerated in the church, and they know it
Source: Times and Seasons, Vol. 5, p. 715, November 15, 1844.
Issues these Facts Raise
These are the two possibilities I see with this fact: 1. Joseph was directed to record this section of Doctrine and Covenants by God, while actively doing the exact opposite. So God’s teaching applied to Joseph (and a select inner circle) but not everyone else. OR 2. Joseph was lying and trying to wiggle out of a tight spot.
Joseph Smith saying, “Wo to the man or men who will thus wilfully lie to injure an innocent people!” smacks hard when considering that he was actively lying when he said this. Joseph was practicing polygamy and yet telling everyone but a very select few that he was not.
Questions these Facts Raise
Why did the LDS church wait until 1876 to remove the chapter (old D&C 101 - added in 1835) stating the LDS church was monogamous and only supported having one wife?
Why would God direct a prophet to do one thing, but have him publicly declare this action is sin to the general congregation?
How can we trust a prophet to declare truth when there is such blatant examples of him lying to the church?